Talks by Indradyumna Swami and Giriraj Swami
Piyush and Lalita-devi dasi’s wedding ceremony
June 3, 2006
Carpinteria, CA
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“Give More Than You Take” by Indradyumna Swami
Samskaras are Vedic purificatory ceremonies for advancing in spiritual life. One of them is vivaha-samskara, the wedding rite.
Before I begin, I would like to thank the Supreme Lord for providing such a beautiful day, by His grace, a warm and sunny day. I don’t know what would have happened if it had rained. We didn’t actually have an alternative plan, so we depended on Krsna. I would also like to thank Giriraj Maharaja’s staff, especially Mother Kunti, who worked so hard for many weeks to prepare this marriage ceremony. There are quite a number of devotees on the staff, and they have done a wonderful job.
When, several weeks ago, I was invited to speak at this auspicious function, I was considering what I would talk about, what I would say. I am a monk in the renounced order, so marriage is not my best subject, but Krsna helped me. Yoga-ksemam vahamy aham. It says for His devotee, He protects whatever they have and He provides whatever they require. So I was thinking, “What will...